Central Loans Opening Hours:
- 9am - 4.30pm (Monday - Friday)
Facilities Opening Hours:
- 9am - 9pm (Monday - Friday)
The Central Loans desk is on the ground floor of G-Block at the Bower Ashton Campus; Room 0G04.
Call: 01173284785
Email: centralloans@uwe.ac.uk
All risk assessment forms should be uploaded via the link above.
(Click to view a folder with all editable MS Word document Risk Assessment form templates)
This link includes the Standard, Photography & Filmmaking Risk Assessment Forms.
An uploaded & approved Risk Assessment form is required for all bookings when equipment is being taken off campus.
Need to know what equipment we have? Need to know what's in the kit, or advice about how something works?
Check out the Central Loans Equipment Guide Catalogue. Here you will find information such as Kit Lists, FAQ's and technical troubleshooting tips.
A PAT is an examination that a piece of electrical or electronic equipment is safe to use.
If you are bringing in a piece of non-UWE equipment which needs to be attached to mains, it will need to be tested. Central Loans offers a service for PAT testing. To arrange a PAT test, please contact us via centralloans@uwe.ac.uk or visit the Loans Desk.
All students are required to complete the Central Loans Induction before using this booking site.
80% pass rate required.
This quiz will give you access to book the Nikon D750 Camera. 90% pass rate required.
This quiz will give you access to book the Zoom H5 sound recorder.
80% pass rate required.
You can use this training to gain access to ladders and power tools. 100% pass rate required.
This link will send you to a video explaining how to make a booking on Connect2.
Click here to go to the store to pay your fine.
Try this link for any other questions you might have!
1.1. Only registered students and staff [hereafter referred to as ‘users’] from the College of CATE, UWE Bristol will be allowed access to the Central Loans Connect2 equipment loan and booking system.
1.2. Each user is required to complete the Central Loans Induction. Completing this Induction is the user’s agreement to abide by, the rules, regulations and terms of access laid out in this Code Of Conduct document.
1.3. Equipment availability is subject to course requirements and attendance of workshops (where appropriate).
1.4. Equipment will not be loaned to a user without the user presenting their own, current University ID card at the Central Loans Desk when prompted to do so.
1.5. Equipment will not be loaned to a user without the user completing and uploading for approval, which their tutor will co-sign, a Risk Assessment form. This form can be found on the homepage of Connect2 and we will only accept Risk Assessments submitted via the online submission system (also located on the Connect2 homepage).
1.6. The user must check all equipment upon issue at the Central Loans Desk and report any problems to the loans desk staff before leaving the area. Failure to do so may result in the user being held responsible for any damage, fault, or missing equipment, noted upon return.
1.7. The user has sole responsibility for all equipment for the duration of the booking, and should not transfer safeguarding onto any other person(s).
1.8. Equipment must be returned in the same state as when issued. Facilities must be left in the same state as when the key is issued.
1.9. Loans and use of facilities are only available only in connection with coursework or University business.
2.1. All loans equipment is subject to a maximum loan period. Information on maximum loan periods can be found on the Connect2 booking page of each item.
2.2. Standard loans are available during teaching week periods only (as defined by the published term dates for each course).
3.1. Under exceptional circumstances, extended loans, loans outside teaching weeks, and loans to travel with University equipment abroad, may be arranged via through agreement between Central Loans and a relevant academic tutor.
3.2. If intending to travel outside of the UK, the user must first contact the loans desk for advice about insurance and transport regulations.
3.3. Trips to the following countries (and those where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against travel) are not covered by University insurance; Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia. Users should check up to date travel advice from the FCO website (www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice) before travel.
3.4. Equipment travelling in the hold of an aircraft may not be covered by University insurance. All items should therefore be carried as hand luggage. Outside of these conditions, it is the user’s responsibility to arrange relevant insurance.
4.1. Equipment must be pre-booked. Failure to collect the specified equipment within 2 hours of the agreed time of collection will result in the booking automatically being made forfeit and any and all equipment within the booking being made available to other users, effective immediately 2 hours after the specified collection time.
4.2. Facilities must be pre-booked. Failure to honour the reservation within 30 minutes of the agreed time of key collection will result in the booking automatically being made forfeit, and the space made available to other users regardless of a pre-made booking.
4.3. Failure to utilise equipment or facilities bookings may result in a fine (please refer to penalties section).
4.4. Continued failure to honour bookings may result in the loss of the privilege to make autonomous bookings.
4.5 Collections must be made by the user under whose name the booking was created.
4.6 Any and all risk assessments submitted in association with equipment or facilities bookings must be presented and signed by the user under whose name the booking was created, as well as a relevant member of academic staff.
5.1. Equipment is only covered by University Public Liability Insurance for use in relation to course or university related work.
5.2. The user is responsible for the safeguarding and proper care of the equipment for the duration of the loan. The user is responsible for any damage(s) or loss of item(s) and may be charged up to the full cost of repair or replacement.
5.3. The user must take all reasonable security precautions to ensure safekeeping of the equipment at all times (i.e. do not leave equipment unattended unless in locked rooms or premises that you are confident they will be safe and secure). Do not leave equipment in unattended vehicles, unattended on public transport or any space where theft is likely.
5.4. In the event of loss of or damage to the equipment, up to the full cost of equipment repair or replacement may be charged to users where there is evidence of contributory negligence, or where the equipment is not covered by University insurance.
5.5. In all cases of loss or damage, a loss and damage report form must be submitted to the Central Loans Team Leader via the Central Loans email address.
5.6. We regularly service our equipment, but due to heavy usage, we can't guarantee they will always be fully operational. As a student loan service focused on affordability and accessibility, we do not offer compensation for faulty equipment.
6.1. If the equipment is stolen the user must report this theft to the police and obtain a crime reference number for University insurance purposes.
6.2. The user must not leave equipment in unattended vehicles, unattended on public transport or any space where theft is likely.
7.1. Failure to return equipment within the agreed date/time period incurs a penalty of £5.00 per item, starting from the moment the agreed booking period has ended. An additional £5 per item will be added to this sum every 24 hours after the time of the initial fine, and will continue to do so until such time as the equipment is returned, or in the event that an agreement has been reached between the user and Central Loans that the equipment will be unable to be returned.
7.2. Access to loans are suspended until outstanding fines are cleared. Continuation of late returns may ultimately result in suspension of access to some, or all, of the facilities and equipment.
7.3. Failure to return equipment when requested will be treated as theft.
7.4. Continued failure to honour bookings will result in suspension of autonomous bookings creation.
7.5. Any fines or debts should be settled with the loans desk (via The Art Shop) before the completion of your course. Failure to do so may prevent the user from being able to fully graduate.
8.1. The University reserves the right to change the Central Loans Code of Conduct at any time. This will be made evident by amendments to these Terms & Conditions where held online (Connect2 & Padlet websites) & available on request, and any and all alterations will be effective immediately. For this reason, users should regularly visit the webpage containing these Terms & Conditions as the current version will be held binding.
8.2. In all instances the availability of equipment, facilities and penalties are at the discretion of the Central Loans Team Leader and the Director of Technical and Learning Resources. Failure to comply with any of the above may result in the loss of access of equipment or facilities.
Updated: Mar 2025